Attendance at Surgeries and Problem Classes
The nature of students' academic obligations varies from course to course. In the case of all the Computer Science modules offered by the Department of Computer Science, the obligations include attendance at all surgeries, problem classes and laboratories. The surgeries, problem class sessions and/or supervised laboratories offered on these modules make a vital contribution to the learning process needed if you are to pass the module. Experience has shown that students who fail to attend these sessions do signifcantly worse than those who do attend. It has therefore been decided that attendance at all surgeries, problem classes and laboratories is a requirement of this module and registers of attendance will be kept. The department can decide that students who do not attend have failed the module. In the event that you miss a problem class or laboratory due to illness or other such reasons, it is essential that you inform the module convenor (you must also read Section 11) so that this fact can be recorded. If you are having problems, you should discuss them with the module convenor and/or your personal tutor (or other members of staff as appropriate).