Shipping Method
International Shipping (Including Canada unless otherwise noted):
FedEx International Priority Service
Delivery to customs is within 1-3 business days
Your order may be subject to additional Import/Duty Fees and/or VAT or other local taxes that are not reflected in your order total. Any such additional fees or taxes are the sole responsibility of the customer and may be charged at delivery
FedEx International Economy Service
Delivery to customs is within 2-7 business days
Your order may be subject to additional Import/Duty Fees and/or VAT or other local taxes that are not reflected in your order total. Any such additional fees or taxes are the sole responsibility of the customer and may be charged at delivery
FedEx Int. Mail Service - limited availability
Available for orders up to 3 lbs (1.36 kg)
Available only in Australia, New Zealand, and most of Europe. Not available in Canada.
Can ship to PO Box Addresses
Cannot guarantee delivery by a specific date
There is no tracking available for this service
Your order may be subject to additional Import/Duty Fees and/or VAT or other local taxes that are not reflected in your order total. Any such additional fees or taxes are the sole responsibility of the customer and may be charged at delivery.
First Class International Mail (Canada Only)
Available for orders up to 3 pounds (1.36 kg)
Delivery within 2-9 business days
Your order may be subject to additional Import/Duty Fees and/or VAT or other local taxes that are not reflected in your order total. Any such additional fees or taxes are the sole responsibility of the customer and may be charged at delivery.
Domestic Options (US Only):
Express - US Only – FedEx Express Saver (US). Delivery in 3 business days from shipment date.
Standard - US Only – FedEx Ground Home Delivery (US) Delivery in 1-5 business days from shipment date.
Economy - US Only – FedEx Smart Post or UPS MIS. Delivery in 2-8 business days from shipment date.