3. Results
3.1. Demographics
Of the 506 nurses who responded with a completed questionnaire,
179 were from AMC, 147 from SMC, and 180 from SNU. Since the
demographics of the participants did not differ significantly among the
three hospitals, we pooled the data and analyzed them together. Of the
506 nurses, 95 (18.8%) had a diploma, 372 (73.5%) had a Bachelor of
Science in nursing, and 39 (7.7%) had a master's degree (Table 1). The
numbers of nurseswhoworked in internal medicine, surgery, neurology,
and other units (gynecology and intensive care units)were 198 (39.1%),
143 (28.3%), 73 (14.4%), and 92 (18.2%), respectively. A total of 310
nurses (61.3%) had less than 5 years of nursing experience, 130 (25.7%)
had between 5 and 10years, and 66 (13.1%) had 11 or more years
(Table 1).
3. Results3.1. DemographicsOf the 506 nurses who responded with a completed questionnaire,179 were from AMC, 147 from SMC, and 180 from SNU. Since thedemographics of the participants did not differ significantly among thethree hospitals, we pooled the data and analyzed them together. Of the506 nurses, 95 (18.8%) had a diploma, 372 (73.5%) had a Bachelor ofScience in nursing, and 39 (7.7%) had a master's degree (Table 1). Thenumbers of nurseswhoworked in internal medicine, surgery, neurology,and other units (gynecology and intensive care units)were 198 (39.1%),143 (28.3%), 73 (14.4%), and 92 (18.2%), respectively. A total of 310nurses (61.3%) had less than 5 years of nursing experience, 130 (25.7%)had between 5 and 10years, and 66 (13.1%) had 11 or more years(Table 1).
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