Another example of institutional growth from within was the formation
of the Livestock Department in 1942. This function had been established
in the Department of Agriculture as early as 1933-and probably
earlier-as an Animal Promotion Division, having two sections. A year
later, the division had expanded to include eight sections. In 1938, it
became too large to remain a unit and was accordingly split into two
divisions-Animal Husbandry and Animal Care. These two divisions,
in 1942, were transferred out of the Department of Agriculture to form
a new Department of Livestock and Beasts of Burden. Strangely
enough, this was not the end of reshuffling for this department. In 1951,
its Animal Husbandry Division was returned to the Department of
Agriculture, only to be brought back to the Department of Livestock
the next year
Another example of institutional growth from within was the formationof the Livestock Department in 1942. This function had been establishedin the Department of Agriculture as early as 1933-and probablyearlier-as an Animal Promotion Division, having two sections. A yearlater, the division had expanded to include eight sections. In 1938, itbecame too large to remain a unit and was accordingly split into twodivisions-Animal Husbandry and Animal Care. These two divisions,in 1942, were transferred out of the Department of Agriculture to forma new Department of Livestock and Beasts of Burden. Strangelyenough, this was not the end of reshuffling for this department. In 1951,its Animal Husbandry Division was returned to the Department ofAgriculture, only to be brought back to the Department of Livestockthe next year
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