There was Shun: He indeed was greatly wise! Shun loved to question others, and to study their
words, though they might be shallow. He concealed what was bad in them and displayed what
was good. He took hold of their two extremes, determined the Mean, and employed it in his
government of the people. It was by this that he was Shun! (Zhong Yong Vol. 6 ).
Mencius carried on Confucius thought but further extended his view by claiming:
Opportunities of time vouchsafed by Heaven are not equal to advantages of situation afforded
by the Earth, and advantages of situation afforded by the Earth are not equal to the union
arising from the harmony of Men (Mencius, Gong Sun Chou Xia ).
Xun Zi believed that organization that is endowed with opportunity of time, favorable
earth condition together with harmony of people, then every success would be
guaranteed (Xunzi, Wang Ba Pian ).
CAMPs’ argument on “harmony is what matters” takes social harmony, personnel
harmony in the society as the ultimate goal, it has set the benchmark for human
resource management’s ideal pursuit and development in the future.