Out In the Sun
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Johnny Ortega is a landscaper. In this passage, a reporter asks him about his job.
Reporter: What do you do as a landscaper?
Johnny Ortega: I design gardens. Most of the gardens I design are large.
Reporter: How did you get started?
Ortega: I started when I was a kid. I worked with my mom. Every spring, we planted flowers in her garden. My mom taught me to love the land. She taught me to love the things it can produce.
Reporter: What tools do you use on the job?
Ortega: I use four primary tools. I use a garden shovel to dig small holes. I use a regular shovel to dig big holes. I use a wheelbarrow to move dirt. I use shears to cut plants. I use these tools every day. I need them to do my job.
Reporter: What is your favorite thing about your job?
Ortega: Working outside. I get to be out in the sun all day long. It's pretty great.
Reporter: What is the most important thing about your job?
Ortega: Planning. You must have a good plan before you start work. If you don't have a plan, then you won't know what to do. You will make mistakes.
Reporter: Do you ever get tired?
Ortega: Definitely! Landscaping is very tiring. But it is great exercise.
Reporter: You have to work all day long. How do you maintain your energy?
Ortega: I take breaks. I eat a healthy breakfast and lunch. I don't smoke. I get a good sleep at night.