Jongin went ahead to pull out the mats as Joon helped her get off the rowing machine.
He explained as they walked slowly, “Your 'Adrenalin' dance requires you to do splits. I am sure you have done splits before, but your flexibility has gone down quite a bit hasn't it? You haven't done splits in a while, right?”
“You are right, Oppa. I haven't done any splits for almost a year. Its going to take a while to stretch and find my flexibility back.”
“Don't worry, we will do this each week.”
Reaching the mats, Seohyun sat down. Just as she is about to start, Jongin brought out another contraption. It looked like a big massage wand, the size of her forearm, with a round, rubber tip.
“Remember the 6 fouls? There will be punishment for that soon. Anyway lets start. I will help you stretch.” Joon said, then he sat down right in front of her while Jongin stood by the side.
Seohyun eyed the wand with curiosity, but quickly focused on her stretching instead. Doing splits require a lot of stretching of the hamstring and Iliopsoas muscles. She sat down, opened her legs at 90 degrees angles and began reaching for her toes. Joon watched as she slowly opened her thighs wider.
She was almost at 150 degrees when she finally reached her limit and stopped. This continued for another 10 minutes, until her hamstring and thighs were sore and almost cramping.
She took a 10 minute break, and stole more glances at the brother's cocks. Then she resumed the stretching for another 10 minutes.
Both of them watched her carefully at the sides, ready to help should she get cramps. She finished without any problems though, despite her stiffness.
“That is great work, after a year of not doing splits, you still maintain most of your flexibility. Take a break first. Let us rub this on you.” Joon praised her after she stopped.
- - -
She lay back on the mat to rest her legs. The brothers both knelt in front of her and Jongin took out a tube of cream. Seohyun recognised it as a common muscle-rub ointment, used when muscles are tense and aching.
“Just lie there and don't move, open your legs a bit.” Jongin said.
Seohyun did as instructed, and the brothers began applying the cream. Each handling one leg, they slowly spread the cream over her smooth calves and thighs. Their fingers pushed up, along her calves then up along her thighs, then they would go round to the inside of her thighs, and then they would slowly push up , almost touching her crotch , before they pulled back. On and on they repeated, massaging the cream into her tired calf and thigh muscles. They took their time, pushing slowly, rubbing the ointment and taking the chance to feel the smooth, fair skin and tight muscles of her calves and thighs.
Seohyun could feel the soothing sensations.
Each rub brought aching soreness , but also soothing relaxation. After a few minutes, the feeling quickly became arousing. Each time their hands came up, she felt the throbbing of her clit get stronger. “Ahh... this feels... good. So... good. What if they touch my lower lips? I.. it would feel........ even better, right? Just like last week, when Joon oppa was wiping the juice of my lips during the....... squats.”
She almost hoped that they would touch her lower lips, but she dare not say it out. Her shyness would not allow her to tell them to move their fingers higher up her thighs. The drug was also making her hot all over, and she began to wish the training could end soon so she could get help and extinguish the fire inside her aching and wet core.
The next 5 minutes was pain and pleasure again for Seohyun. A war was raging in her mind. A part of her wanted this to stop, so she can continue her stretching. But a bigger voice was saying, “This feels great. Let them touch me. Touch more of me! Help me quench the fire a bit!”
- - -
“Okay, I think that is enough. Rest a while, then we repeat the stretching.” She was shaken out of her lusty thoughts by Joon's voice. They had finished the rub, and most of the ointment has been absorbed. She could feel her muscles relaxing as the ointment did its work.
The brothers could easily see that she is totally aroused now. Her pussy was wet again, despite Joon wiping the fluids away earlier. Her breathing was much faster, her skin was flushed and her nipples totally erect and hard.
They wanted to dive in right now and ravage her, their cocks were throbbing and eager to plunder her secrets, but they controlled themselves with all their willpower. They had to tempt and tease her first for their plan to work, and the brothers had no desire to see their grand plan go to waste.
- - - - -
A few minutes later, after she drank and rested more, they resumed the stretching. But this time, Joon sat right in front of her. As she split her legs again, he took off his socks and shoes and placed his feet against her thighs and knees. This prevented her from closing her thighs. And as she stretched wider and wider, he followed until soon, she was at her maximum stretch. Her legs were opened at about 150 degrees, and her body was bent forward.
This position of course, meant that Joon was right in front of her, and he was able to stare hard at her aroused and swollen nipples. She could not hide her embarrassment again, having him looking at her so closely. And she could see his huge cock pointing at her at barely one feet away, which sent her heart pounding.
Seeing that his feet is prevented her from closing her thighs, and she began to pout. “Oppa, I can't stretch any further.”
“I know. Now is your punishment time. 6 fouls means 6 minutes.”
“6 minutes of what , Oppa?”
“This.” He smiled and raised the wand.
Immediately, Seohyun wanted to get up, fearing the punishment. But Jongin swiftly knelt behind her and placed both hands on her thighs, preventing her from getting up with his body weight.
“Its punishment, you can't run.” He said with an evil grin.
Seeing her sad pout, Joon said, “Its not just punishment, this will help you stretch and also increase you control over your urges. You need this, Seohyun-ah.”
She considered for a few long moments, looking at Jongin silently to ask for help. Jongin shook his head, and she turned to look at Joon again. She finally conceded. “Aish, alright, Oppa. I will accept the punishment. But …. how is this going to work?”
“Place your hands on my shoulders, then lean forward. You can rest you head on me if you like.”
Cautiously, she leaned forward until her forehead almost touched his shoulder. She placed her arms around his upper torso and her breasts with the still-clamped, engorged nipples swung forward, almost touching his chest before hanging like two big flesh sacks, waiting to be touched. And below, Joon's 'monster' was very hard, almost brushing against her hanging nipples.
From behind her, Jongin barely held in his lust, he almost wanted to grab and fondle her two treasures right away. And his cock poked onto Seohyun's back.
- - -
This of course, meant that SNSD's virgin maknae is now a semi-naked girl, wearing clothes that totally exposes her breasts, and is currently sandwiched between two guys and their huge cocks. One cock barely one feet from her face and the other cock is touching her back.
- - -
Just as she gripped his shoulder anxiously, he said, “Now hold on tight!”.
He then switched on the wand, and placed it right on her crotch! Instantaneously, her hips bucked and her back arched with force, the sudden strong vibration touching her slit through the shorts causing an immediate jolt of pleasure to shoot up her body. Both brothers were nearly thrown off her by the strength of her reaction , but they recovered fast and held firm.
With no way to escape or move away from the wand, her body being held firm by the two men, she shook her body and she leaned completely on Joon's shoulder. She endured waves of pleasure travelling from her core to her mind.
She fought the desire to moan, but after a whole minute of the wand on her slit, she gave in and finally moaned, “Ahhh........... hnnnnnnn..”
Joon pulled the wand away at her moan, letting her catch her breath. “How was that? One whole minute of punishment.” he asked.
She could barely answer, gasping for breath. “I...huh........... it felt......huh ....” Seohyun could not bring herself to say it. She looked up a little, saw his eyes, and looked down again in embarrassment.
Joon gave her flushed right cheek a quick kiss, then resumed his torture.
“Hnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn..................” She moaned loud as the wand touched her slit through the thin material of the shorts again. But this time, he pressed harder and her clit could feel the direct pressure from the wand now. This is the first time that her clit is being directly stimulated, and the feeling was completely electrifying for her. The stimulation was now much stronger, and she could barely think. Bead of perspiration flowed down her face and chest, and she began leaking. Her juice quickly formed a wet patch on her shorts and Joon could see it wetting the tip of the wand as well.
He continued for another minute, then pulled the wand away and whispered to her, “That is 2 minutes. Tell, me, did it feel great?”
“I... it felt... ….Oppa.............. please.... don't ask.......” Again, her shyness kept her form voicing out.
But he could see the haze of pleasure in her eyes and her flushed face.
“AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!” This time, Joon switched on the vibrator in her shorts as well, then pushed the wand even harder against her slit, aiming right for her clit.
Jongin went ahead to pull out the mats as Joon helped her get off the rowing machine. He explained as they walked slowly, “Your 'Adrenalin' dance requires you to do splits. I am sure you have done splits before, but your flexibility has gone down quite a bit hasn't it? You haven't done splits in a while, right?” “You are right, Oppa. I haven't done any splits for almost a year. Its going to take a while to stretch and find my flexibility back.” “Don't worry, we will do this each week.” Reaching the mats, Seohyun sat down. Just as she is about to start, Jongin brought out another contraption. It looked like a big massage wand, the size of her forearm, with a round, rubber tip. “Remember the 6 fouls? There will be punishment for that soon. Anyway lets start. I will help you stretch.” Joon said, then he sat down right in front of her while Jongin stood by the side. Seohyun eyed the wand with curiosity, but quickly focused on her stretching instead. Doing splits require a lot of stretching of the hamstring and Iliopsoas muscles. She sat down, opened her legs at 90 degrees angles and began reaching for her toes. Joon watched as she slowly opened her thighs wider. She was almost at 150 degrees when she finally reached her limit and stopped. This continued for another 10 minutes, until her hamstring and thighs were sore and almost cramping. She took a 10 minute break, and stole more glances at the brother's cocks. Then she resumed the stretching for another 10 minutes. Both of them watched her carefully at the sides, ready to help should she get cramps. She finished without any problems though, despite her stiffness. “That is great work, after a year of not doing splits, you still maintain most of your flexibility. Take a break first. Let us rub this on you.” Joon praised her after she stopped. - - - She lay back on the mat to rest her legs. The brothers both knelt in front of her and Jongin took out a tube of cream. Seohyun recognised it as a common muscle-rub ointment, used when muscles are tense and aching. “Just lie there and don't move, open your legs a bit.” Jongin said. Seohyun did as instructed, and the brothers began applying the cream. Each handling one leg, they slowly spread the cream over her smooth calves and thighs. Their fingers pushed up, along her calves then up along her thighs, then they would go round to the inside of her thighs, and then they would slowly push up , almost touching her crotch , before they pulled back. On and on they repeated, massaging the cream into her tired calf and thigh muscles. They took their time, pushing slowly, rubbing the ointment and taking the chance to feel the smooth, fair skin and tight muscles of her calves and thighs. Seohyun could feel the soothing sensations. Each rub brought aching soreness , but also soothing relaxation. After a few minutes, the feeling quickly became arousing. Each time their hands came up, she felt the throbbing of her clit get stronger. “Ahh... this feels... good. So... good. What if they touch my lower lips? I.. it would feel........ even better, right? Just like last week, when Joon oppa was wiping the juice of my lips during the....... squats.” She almost hoped that they would touch her lower lips, but she dare not say it out. Her shyness would not allow her to tell them to move their fingers higher up her thighs. The drug was also making her hot all over, and she began to wish the training could end soon so she could get help and extinguish the fire inside her aching and wet core. The next 5 minutes was pain and pleasure again for Seohyun. A war was raging in her mind. A part of her wanted this to stop, so she can continue her stretching. But a bigger voice was saying, “This feels great. Let them touch me. Touch more of me! Help me quench the fire a bit!” - - - “Okay, I think that is enough. Rest a while, then we repeat the stretching.” She was shaken out of her lusty thoughts by Joon's voice. They had finished the rub, and most of the ointment has been absorbed. She could feel her muscles relaxing as the ointment did its work. The brothers could easily see that she is totally aroused now. Her pussy was wet again, despite Joon wiping the fluids away earlier. Her breathing was much faster, her skin was flushed and her nipples totally erect and hard. They wanted to dive in right now and ravage her, their cocks were throbbing and eager to plunder her secrets, but they controlled themselves with all their willpower. They had to tempt and tease her first for their plan to work, and the brothers had no desire to see their grand plan go to waste. - - - - - A few minutes later, after she drank and rested more, they resumed the stretching. But this time, Joon sat right in front of her. As she split her legs again, he took off his socks and shoes and placed his feet against her thighs and knees. This prevented her from closing her thighs. And as she stretched wider and wider, he followed until soon, she was at her maximum stretch. Her legs were opened at about 150 degrees, and her body was bent forward. This position of course, meant that Joon was right in front of her, and he was able to stare hard at her aroused and swollen nipples. She could not hide her embarrassment again, having him looking at her so closely. And she could see his huge cock pointing at her at barely one feet away, which sent her heart pounding. Seeing that his feet is prevented her from closing her thighs, and she began to pout. “Oppa, I can't stretch any further.” “I know. Now is your punishment time. 6 fouls means 6 minutes.” “6 minutes of what , Oppa?” “This.” He smiled and raised the wand. Immediately, Seohyun wanted to get up, fearing the punishment. But Jongin swiftly knelt behind her and placed both hands on her thighs, preventing her from getting up with his body weight.
“Its punishment, you can't run.” He said with an evil grin.
Seeing her sad pout, Joon said, “Its not just punishment, this will help you stretch and also increase you control over your urges. You need this, Seohyun-ah.”
She considered for a few long moments, looking at Jongin silently to ask for help. Jongin shook his head, and she turned to look at Joon again. She finally conceded. “Aish, alright, Oppa. I will accept the punishment. But …. how is this going to work?”
“Place your hands on my shoulders, then lean forward. You can rest you head on me if you like.”
Cautiously, she leaned forward until her forehead almost touched his shoulder. She placed her arms around his upper torso and her breasts with the still-clamped, engorged nipples swung forward, almost touching his chest before hanging like two big flesh sacks, waiting to be touched. And below, Joon's 'monster' was very hard, almost brushing against her hanging nipples.
From behind her, Jongin barely held in his lust, he almost wanted to grab and fondle her two treasures right away. And his cock poked onto Seohyun's back.
- - -
This of course, meant that SNSD's virgin maknae is now a semi-naked girl, wearing clothes that totally exposes her breasts, and is currently sandwiched between two guys and their huge cocks. One cock barely one feet from her face and the other cock is touching her back.
- - -
Just as she gripped his shoulder anxiously, he said, “Now hold on tight!”.
He then switched on the wand, and placed it right on her crotch! Instantaneously, her hips bucked and her back arched with force, the sudden strong vibration touching her slit through the shorts causing an immediate jolt of pleasure to shoot up her body. Both brothers were nearly thrown off her by the strength of her reaction , but they recovered fast and held firm.
With no way to escape or move away from the wand, her body being held firm by the two men, she shook her body and she leaned completely on Joon's shoulder. She endured waves of pleasure travelling from her core to her mind.
She fought the desire to moan, but after a whole minute of the wand on her slit, she gave in and finally moaned, “Ahhh........... hnnnnnnn..”
Joon pulled the wand away at her moan, letting her catch her breath. “How was that? One whole minute of punishment.” he asked.
She could barely answer, gasping for breath. “I...huh........... it felt......huh ....” Seohyun could not bring herself to say it. She looked up a little, saw his eyes, and looked down again in embarrassment.
Joon gave her flushed right cheek a quick kiss, then resumed his torture.
“Hnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn..................” She moaned loud as the wand touched her slit through the thin material of the shorts again. But this time, he pressed harder and her clit could feel the direct pressure from the wand now. This is the first time that her clit is being directly stimulated, and the feeling was completely electrifying for her. The stimulation was now much stronger, and she could barely think. Bead of perspiration flowed down her face and chest, and she began leaking. Her juice quickly formed a wet patch on her shorts and Joon could see it wetting the tip of the wand as well.
He continued for another minute, then pulled the wand away and whispered to her, “That is 2 minutes. Tell, me, did it feel great?”
“I... it felt... ….Oppa.............. please.... don't ask.......” Again, her shyness kept her form voicing out.
But he could see the haze of pleasure in her eyes and her flushed face.
“AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!” This time, Joon switched on the vibrator in her shorts as well, then pushed the wand even harder against her slit, aiming right for her clit.
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