Abstract Soy milk was prepared from regular soybean
(M1), soybean germinated for 3 days at 25oC (M2), and
soybean germinated under fungal infection (M3). Rhizopus
microsporus var. oligosporus ATCC 22959 was used as the
elicitor for glyceollin production. Each soy milk was
fermented with Streptococcus infantarius 12 and Weissella
sp. 4 (1:5, v/v) for 12 h at 37oC. Significant induction of
glyceollins was confirmed only in M3 soy milk and
glyceollins maintained stably during 12 h fermentation
period. The concentration of glyceollins in M3 yogurt was
2,400.4±83 and 2,525.2±158 μg/g dry matter (d.m.) at
0 and 12 h, respectively. The amount of daidzein was
significantly higher in M3 yogurt (635.1±21) than that of
M1 (417±11) and M2 (545±17 μg/g d.m.) yogurt in 12 h