Twenty-nine young women aged 15–17 years were
assessed for eligibility, 66% (n = 19) were deemed ineligible
because they were: already booked into YMGP
(n = 10), out of the hospital catchment area (n = 5), or
more than 23 weeks gestation (n = 4). This resulted in
only a small pool of eligible women (n = 10) of which
70% (n = 7) declined to be randomised, 20% (n = 2) were
missed, and 10% (n = 1) were recruited; see Figure 1. All
the eligible participants who declined to be randomised
expressed a strong preference for a particular model of
care: YMGP (n = 4), GP shared care (n = 2), or the antenatal
clinic (n = 1). Two women were missed by the researcher
because they were un-contactable by telephone
and repeatedly did not attend their obstetric booking
appointment. Only one young woman was able to be recruited;
therefore the proportion of women withdrawing,
being lost to follow up, or crossing over from one model
to the other was unable to be calculated due to the small
sample size.