We are extremely pleased at amazon give us a chance to clarify the procedure for solutions. Especially in cases where customers do not receive the order.
Because of their are lost during shipment, including procedures for monitoring all orders.
Plan of Action:
1. If the customer is informed that did not receive the order within a specified period time. We will verify within 24 hours. If we can't verify, we will full refund to customers immediately. In order to solve the problem, the customer ASAP. And we are going to make a Claim with my supplier later.
2. We will increase step when the delivery to the customer.Every 6 Pm of day We will send message to inform shipping and Tracking number to customer after confirm shipment on Amazon system every time for confirm delivery.
3. When we check the status of item with Supplier that have been delivered to customers already.Every 7 Pm of day We will send the message to confirm delivered for remind customer that item have been delivered already. If the customer does not receive item according to the data that we inform.Customers will contact us to argue that are not receiving item.We can solve this problem quickly for customer satisfaction
4. We will update status of inventory every day on 7:30 Pm for resolve order defect from no inventory
5. After 3 Days of delivered date,We will sent request feedback to customer for evaluate our service and standard for improve some thing that receive from customer feedback or suggestion.
6. we will special monitor our performance metrics to assure we are meeting the standards set by Amazon and our own standards of quality customer service.
7. We'll respond every Feedback from customer all of positive or Negative Feedback.We'll monitor every day at 8 Pm.For this way should help to quick respond for customer request or problem.
We believe that these methods will be able to solve this problem. Moreover,consider the customer satisfaction the main.
If you need advice or recommendations.We welcome your comments always. To improve the use of the service in order to provide effective services.
Please give us the opportunity. Because AMAZON is the first place that we have started to trade online. We appreciate the system and standard in serving your customers.We confirm strongly that we wanted to be a part of AMAZON again.Please consider.
Best regard,