The impact of the drop in oil price levels since June
2014 extends beyond the energy markets and the world
economy to also affect shipping and seaborne trade, in
particular tanker trade. Indirect impacts are felt through
changes in the areas of activity and sectors that generate
the demand for maritime transport services. These include
changes in production costs, economic growth, income
and purchasing power of oil producers/exporters and
consumers/importers, terms of trade, and investments
in oil and gas, as well as investments in alternative fuels
and fuel efficient technologies. Meanwhile, direct impacts
on shipping and seaborne trade are reflected in lower fuel
and transport costs. Ship bunker fuel costs have fallen
significantly over the past few months. For example, the
380 centistoke bunker prices in Rotterdam dropped from
$590 per ton in June 2014 to $318 per ton in December
2014, a drop of 46 per cent (Clarksons Research, 2015a).
Lower fuel costs reduce ship operators’ expenditure and
rates paid by shippers. This, in turn, can stimulate the
demand for maritime transport services and increase
seaborne cargo flows.
The impact of the drop in oil price levels since June2014 extends beyond the energy markets and the worldeconomy to also affect shipping and seaborne trade, inparticular tanker trade. Indirect impacts are felt throughchanges in the areas of activity and sectors that generatethe demand for maritime transport services. These includechanges in production costs, economic growth, incomeand purchasing power of oil producers/exporters andconsumers/importers, terms of trade, and investmentsin oil and gas, as well as investments in alternative fuelsand fuel efficient technologies. Meanwhile, direct impactson shipping and seaborne trade are reflected in lower fueland transport costs. Ship bunker fuel costs have fallensignificantly over the past few months. For example, the380 centistoke bunker prices in Rotterdam dropped from$590 per ton in June 2014 to $318 per ton in December2014, a drop of 46 per cent (Clarksons Research, 2015a).Lower fuel costs reduce ship operators’ expenditure andrates paid by shippers. This, in turn, can stimulate thedemand for maritime transport services and increaseseaborne cargo flows.
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