This paper presents a systematic design approach, which is the result of years of research effort, to
ergonomic re-design of rivet tools, i.e. rivet hammers and bucking bars. The investigation was carried
out using both ergonomic approach and mechanical analysis of the rivet tools dynamic behavior. The
optimal mechanical design parameters of the re-designed rivet tools were determined by Taguchi
method. Two ergonomically re-designed rivet tools with vibration damping/isolation mechanisms were
tested against two conventional rivet tools in both laboratory and field tests. Vibration characteristics of
both types of tools were measured by laboratory tests using a custom-made test fixture. The subjective
field evaluations of the tools were performed by six experienced riveters at an aircraft repair shop.
Results indicate that the isolation spring and polymer damper are very effective in reducing the overall
level of vibration under both unweighted and weighted acceleration conditions. The mass of the dolly
head and the housing played a significant role in the vibration absorption of the bucking bars. Another
important result was that the duct iron has better vibration reducing capability compared to steel and
aluminum for bucking bars. Mathematical simulation results were also consistent with the
experimental results. Overall conclusion obtained from the study was that by applying the design
principles of ergonomics and by adding vibration damping/isolation mechanisms to the rivet tools, the
vibration level can significantly be reduced and the tools become safer and user friendly. The details of
the experience learned, design modifications, test methods, mathematical models and the results are
included in the paper.
This paper presents a systematic design approach, which is the result of years of research effort, toergonomic re-design of rivet tools, i.e. rivet hammers and bucking bars. The investigation was carriedout using both ergonomic approach and mechanical analysis of the rivet tools dynamic behavior. Theoptimal mechanical design parameters of the re-designed rivet tools were determined by Taguchimethod. Two ergonomically re-designed rivet tools with vibration damping/isolation mechanisms weretested against two conventional rivet tools in both laboratory and field tests. Vibration characteristics ofboth types of tools were measured by laboratory tests using a custom-made test fixture. The subjectivefield evaluations of the tools were performed by six experienced riveters at an aircraft repair shop.Results indicate that the isolation spring and polymer damper are very effective in reducing the overalllevel of vibration under both unweighted and weighted acceleration conditions. The mass of the dollyhead and the housing played a significant role in the vibration absorption of the bucking bars. Anotherimportant result was that the duct iron has better vibration reducing capability compared to steel andaluminum for bucking bars. Mathematical simulation results were also consistent with theexperimental results. Overall conclusion obtained from the study was that by applying the designprinciples of ergonomics and by adding vibration damping/isolation mechanisms to the rivet tools, thevibration level can significantly be reduced and the tools become safer and user friendly. The details ofthe experience learned, design modifications, test methods, mathematical models and the results areincluded in the paper.
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