thong's family consists of 60-year-old father,55-year-old mother,30-year-old son. and 25-year-old daughter. Mr.thongkon takes his wife, Mrs.thongsoi,to trang hospital. She feels dizzy and has allergic to the pollen. She sometimes has a cough and is now taking 5 medicines such as B6 1 tablet 2 pc (2 time after meals), cotrimazole 1 tablet 2 pc(2 time after meals), isoniazid 100 mg 5 tablets hs(bedtime), rifampicin 300 mg 2 tablets hs(bedtime) and Ethambutol 400 mg 3 tablets hs (bedtime). she also has insurance company. nidnoi,a nurse,takes mrs.Thongsoi to see a doctor ,Dr.ken. He is a chief of internal Medicine Department.