Jesus used parables when teaching. Parables are earthly stories that have a heavenly meaning. In using parables, the Lord was able to teach a spiritual concept is such a way that even the most illiterate person would be able to understand. Therefore, the parables are filled with symbolism.
"The Parable of the Prodigal Son" is an earthly story that shows how pleased God is when a sinner repents and comes back to Him. The father of this parable represents God who is the Father of all mankind. This "certain man" provides for his two sons; however, the younger son, the prodigal, is impatient with the restraints placed upon him. He, therefore, wants his inheritance now to spend as he pleases, to be free from the household rule of his father. This prodigal son represents the sinner who wants to go his own way without being accountable to anyone even God.
This younger son "took his journey into a far country." In this journey he spent all that was given to him in a wasteful manner. This shows that a sinner is far from God and doing whatever he wants without any though to the consequences that might come.