The total phenolics and tannin content were found to be higher in ethanol extract of stem, whereas total flavonoid content was higher in acetone extract of root. The methanol extract of root showed highest free radical scavenging activity in assays namely ABTS assay (8 221.5 μM TE/g extract), FRAP assay [514.4 mM Fe (II)/g extract], hydrogen peroxide (60.3%) and nitric oxide scavenging assays (58.7%). The DPPH assay and superoxide radical assay results revealed that the ethanol extract of root has remarkable free radical scavenging capacity (IC50 0.284 mg/mL and 70.84%). The antipyretic studies on methanol extract of root showed significant reduction of temperature in pyrexia induced rats at 200 and 400 mg/kg doses.