While the term Makerspace might be familiar to some of you, there are likely a great number of you who are wondering what a Makerspace is. A Makerspace is a creative, space in a school where students are able to design, invent, create and learn.
We believe that a space like this in our school would provide a creative outlet that would benefit a great number of our students.
A Makerspace contains a range of tools and technology that, when run successfully, is able to seamlessly incorporate Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math.
In order to create a space like this for our Primary and Secondary students, we need your help.
As we have a huge inventory list to purchase in order to stock our Makerspace, we believe that one of the best ways you can help make this a reality is through a paper donation. Donations can be handed in to Josh Doubleday, Head of Primary. If you would rather donate a specific item from the inventory we require, please contact us at the email address provided below.
We would also greatly appreciate any partnerships with private or corporate companies that you may be able to facilitate for us. We would be interested in sponsorship, sharing of expertise from trade professionals, and support from our parents who may be in the product design and project management fields.
We will also be constantly looking for spare parts or unused/ discarded items such as wood off cuts, wire, metal, plastic, electronic mechanisms/items and much more.
If you would like to assist in this very important project, please contact me- Josh Doubleday (Head of Primary) at jdoubleday@standrews-schools.com .