Thank you for your invoice recently received.
Payment will be made within our agreed payment terms, by 03Jun15 (within 30 days from invoice receipt date).
If you're unsure of these please refer to our terms and conditions.
Upon reconciling the attached invoice, we have encountered rate discrepancies that mostly relate to invalid rates.
Please be advised that according to STA Travel Terms & Conditions:
• All bookings must be invoiced at the agreed contract nett rate – we will not accept invoices for any amounts not set out in the rate agreement.
Example below:
Booking ref number:339418
Name of the passenger:Blom Michelle
Booked Date:09Sep14
Travel / Service Date:29Mar-03Apr15
Service Type:Deluxe Courtyard Twin with bathroom
Rate/currency:2500 THB/room/night
Special Offer: Early bird 10%
Total Rate Summary:
1 X Total Cost = THB 12,500.00
1 X Early Bird Offer = THB -750.00
Total Cost = THB 11,750.00
Contract Validity:Al's Resort 01Apr14 - 31Mar15 v2 (23Aug13)(attached)
Hence paid as per contract.
Hence the amount that will be paid to you will be less than the amount invoiced.
The intention of this email is not to induce disgruntlement, but to inform you that these discrepancies cause delays in the reconciliation and processing of your invoices.
In order for you to receive timely payment and avoid delays please ensure going forward that your invoices are sent using the valid rates/special offers as set out in your contract.
Also please note that there is no need to send us a revised invoice.