The difficulty scale generated responses to four questions:
(1) ‘To what extent isthere a clearly known way to perform the major types of work normally encountered in the operating departments?’;
(2) ‘To what extent is there an understandable
sequence of steps that can be followed in doing the work in the operating departments?’; (3) ‘To what extent is there a clearly defined body of knowledge guiding
operating managers to do their work?’; and (4) ‘To what extent can operational managers actually rely on established procedures and practices to do their work?’. The
responses were anchored by (1) ‘To a very great extent’ and (5) ‘To a very little extent’.
Factor analysis yielded a single significant factor, with an eigenvalue of 2.06, which
explained 53.9 per cent of the total variation. The scores were equally weighted and
an average score was determined for each firm, such that increasing values reflect
more task difficulty and, hence, more uncertainty. The Cronbach alpha coefficient
was calculated at 0.69, which is a satisfactory level of scale reliability.
The difficulty scale generated responses to four questions:
(1) ‘To what extent isthere a clearly known way to perform the major types of work normally encountered in the operating departments?’;
(2) ‘To what extent is there an understandable
sequence of steps that can be followed in doing the work in the operating departments?’; (3) ‘To what extent is there a clearly defined body of knowledge guiding
operating managers to do their work?’; and (4) ‘To what extent can operational managers actually rely on established procedures and practices to do their work?’. The
responses were anchored by (1) ‘To a very great extent’ and (5) ‘To a very little extent’.
Factor analysis yielded a single significant factor, with an eigenvalue of 2.06, which
explained 53.9 per cent of the total variation. The scores were equally weighted and
an average score was determined for each firm, such that increasing values reflect
more task difficulty and, hence, more uncertainty. The Cronbach alpha coefficient
was calculated at 0.69, which is a satisfactory level of scale reliability.
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