I wonder if it's as painful for the actors in doctor stranger to soldier on until end as if has been s a viewer to stick with it. I am invested enough,against all reason,to know how the scriptwriter plans to end it all Jae Joon finally does something is episode 18 but I have a feeling he might just waffle in the end save Chairman Oh's life by operating on him. He will use forgiveness and doing the right thing to prove to Chairman Oh what areal doctor acts like. I will be proud of him if he dose that,but honestly Chairman Oh is so ethically impaired I doubt he woul change his ways,other than the drama throwing in a personality switch to redeem him. I see that happenind since Soo Hyun is really so innocent in everything and if her dad continues to be a deranged medical criminal then it'll be hard for her to get a happy ending down the road I wish the noble idiocy misunderstanding between Hoon and Jae Hee will grt swept aside soon even if she ends up dead I don't want her dyind werds to be about how she never hated him and did everything in a harebraned attempt to keep him safe