The findings revealed that tourism had caused both positive and negative
impacts on the host communities. It was on one hand perceived as a contributor to the
locals’ income generation and distribution and indirectly helped to increase more
education opportunities for the locals. But on the other hand, it caused negative impacts
on socio-culture of the host communities, which in the locals’ views was not important in
comparison with the economic benefit gains.
Tourism situation in Chiangrai province was determined as the tourism
that responses to the visitor’s demand and being operated based on the natural and
cultural resources in the destinations. The study also revealed a lack of local
participation in all stages of tourism development as well as cooperation amongst
stakeholders in tourism development processes. In addition, tourism potentials seemed
to be decreased due to the deterioration of tourism resources, lack of budget and
uncontinuously policy of involved stakeholders and its implementation.
From visitor’s point of view, in addition to an improvement in quality of
destinations, tourist’s recreation opportunities and tourist activities should be created to
attract more visitors. The study also indicated that social and cultural aspects of the host
communities were the most interesting attractions that need to be conserved. Most
visitors were unsatisfied with the situation that they were taken economically advantages
and dishonest behavior of the people in service sector.
The study suggested that due to the socio-economic development plans
of the country, tourism may not be concluded as an agent of socio-cultural changes in
the host destinations. Promotion of people participation in tourism development process,
education on sustainable tourism management, development with recognition of local
context, fair income distribution among stakeholders and empowerment of local
communities were essential issues that need to be concentrated in development of
tourism in order to mitigate or prevent negative impacts of tourism development.