A two stage model was set up for the experimental treatment of the effluent (Fig. 1). The design of the model was obtained from the model suggested by RamaKrishna and Ligy [33] and the model suggested by Arumugam and Sabarethinam [34] for treatment of dairy wastewater. The model was modified as per the requirements of present study. Two used plastic bottles of capacity 1.5 L each were reused for making two columns (considered as primary and secondary tanks) of the model. The bottles were cut from the bottom and inverted to make columns. They were rested on iron rings which were nailed onto a wooden plank. Holes were made at required positions in the bottles and transparent silicon pipes were connected using an adhesive, araldite. An aerator was used to provide continuous aeration and maintain desired level of dissolved oxygen above 5 mg/L. Activated charcoal powder and sawdust were used for filtration following the microbial treatment in secondary tank. The activated charcoal powder was heated up in an oven at 70 °C for 2 h before use. Sawdust was obtained from a plywood shop located in Timber Market of Pune. Thus the experimental model was constructed from reused plastic bottles and filtration materials (Fig. 1).