Milk or milk (Milk) is the white liquid that contains the necessary nutrients for a child or an animal rebirth manufactured from the breast of a child with a pet. Milk is suitable for all ages, because your body needs the nutrients in milk for the body to create extra strength all the time, and for pregnant women should drink milk with calcium, which helps strengthen the bones of both mothers and babies in the womb and yogurt also helps keep the digestive system working as normal bowel constipation symptoms prevention facilities to reduce the fat in blood strengthen the immune system. But for patients with diabetes should eat milk, semi-skimmed or skimmed milk and dairy products should be avoided with sweet flavor.
Drinking milk does not cause obesity, that many people understand, because it is only 3.8% fat, which is considered to be extremely rare if compared to other types of food, but if you worry about obesity, they can drink milk or semi-skimmed milk with high calcium low fat No.
Contains the specified that a child with a height less than Thailand standards it was quite. If he wants to give children the full growth potential of Thailand parents should pay attention to his descendants to drink enough milk. Because it is useful for the children very much, especially the fresh milk because it does not cause tooth decay and obesity.