Lay Hong BerhadHave excellent liquidity, Because There is a high 2012, with a ratio of 0.76,1.82 in 2013 and 2.03 in 2014.Quick Ratio or Acid Test Ratioin 2012, with a ratio of 0.49,0.51 in 2013 and 0.49 in 2014.It shows that there is a good operation. But Cash Ratio is a very low ratio in 2012, with a ratio of 0.05,0.06 in 2013 and 0.04 in 2014,Show that cash is very low.Companies should be careful about that. Accounts Receivable Turnover Ratio, There is a very good ratio. Make money collect from the debtor has very fast.Inventory Turnover Ratio a great proportion the turnover of goods.Overall, there’s a good performance. But be careful about the money carefully.