Here manor is far how luxuriously, but also has the atmospheric sincere aura, because here construction is the giant stone completes, although looks like in the color also is very somewhat bright, but in front of the manor does not have any change actually, is the original giant stone, but polished smooth incomparable.
The manor entrance has two people to stand there, Qing Shui saw that these two chests of people are embroidering the golden yellow sword design, but the strength did not have the man of outstanding ability went to Mu Family to offer condolences to be formidable on that day.
„Depends on three, are they?” The left vigorous man asked toward the front youth.
„Splendor elder brother, they are Mu Family come, the old gentleman has told, wants me to lead them to come to here directly.” On the youth face piles up with saying of happy expression.
„Originally is Mu Family comes the human, please, old ancestor in backyard.” That vigorous man hears is Mu Family comes the human to say with a smile hastily.
Although he is smiling, but that smiling face is very stiff, Qing Shui also wants to smile, this man is the person who cannot smile, the letting person who the smiling face of diligently squeezing looks at intertwines.
Formerly youth also had Qing Shui and Mu Fengyang to greet to the verve man has gotten down, the man was bringing Qing Shui and Mu Fengyang enters here manor.
Is same, inside basically does not have what change that sees with outside, most polishes, here manor appears specially ancient, but has another flavor.
Has not arrived at the backyard, Qing Shui smells delicate fragrance the medicine to be fragrant, moreover Qing Shui knows all of a sudden this is the flavor that the medicinal herbs blossom, should the good medicinal herbs.
Enters the backyard, sees a distant place Huahai same place, hundred meters place is standing a old person of element garment.
„You go, I do not go.” Vigorous man splendor elder brother smiles to hint Qing Shui and Mr. Mu Family goes.
As soon as they go , the old person turns around, Qing Shui saw old person's look, the frontal bone is spacious, the binocular wisdom, the chin is perfectly round, cheeks obviously thin, slender stature to human one type the feeling of jumping out the extra mundane.
After seeing Qing Shui and Mr. Mu Family, the old person was smiling: „Honored guest visits, has to lose welcomes.”
„Old person was polite, the wind raises thanks Sacred Blade Sect to go to be grieved.”
The old people have a look at Mu Fengyang and Qing Shui, sighed with a smile.
„Does not use politely, do not say that my this old man reality, the matter in world will not appear with no reason at all, did you say?” The old person smiles is shaking the head to say.
Mu Fengyang greets with a smile, but on the face has a firing in bursts painstakingly, he knows certainly the meaning in old logical expression, goes to offer condolences is not with no reason at all.
What a pity Qing Shui is not the Mu Family later generation, if Qing Shui is the Mu Family later generation, he now without hesitation Mu Family hands over in his hand.
„You should be Qing Shui, respects the young, real rare and beautiful flowers.” The old person looks that Qing Shui long time with a smile said.
„Younger generation has seen the old person.” Qing Shui bows to say.
„Well, comes, we go to sit!” The old person is pointing at front.
There is a stone building, but compares to the general stone building to be higher, looks like is also very big, but is not the pavilion, three people walk toward that side, Qing Shui still cannot feel the strength of old man, moreover this old person does not look like that senility.