„Has become, that map? Where is the map at?” The immeasurable immortal is sizing up that big, careful waits and sees, is looking for the whereabouts of map.
„Senior please look.” The Chu Feng corners of the mouth go up once again, afterward pinches the Secret Art single-handed, at the same time in the mouth starts to recite the special incantation.
Rumble rumble
Under this situation, an earth tremor, naked eye obvious energy bodies, start to graze from the surface in wonder stone Buddhist temple, integrates in formation above that midair.
Under this situation, that formation more and more for bright, arrives finally, looks like round bright moonlight, the silver light shining four directions, extremely magnificent.
„Chu Feng this formation, unexpectedly unexpectedly in absorption here strength.” Sees this, immeasurable immortal the shocking facial features, become even more shocked.
Wonder stone Buddhist temple, that special strength, although said that is protecting here stone, may actually be a fan, capture that because nobody can succeed radically that strength, is unable to confirm, whether that strength exists.
However, now Chu Feng has confirmed that he not only confirmed that strength is exists, he with this Formation, here special and formidable mystical strength, total revenue in that big.
In other words, Chu Feng opened, riddle that this wonder stone Buddhist temple, nobody can solve.
Originally this riddle, is related with five lines of old ancestors.
Finally, that big wonder stone Buddhist temple, all strengths gave the suck dry completely.
The wonder stone Buddhist temple, did not have that formidable and special strength, although here stone is as before all sorts of strange and unusual, grotesque, may actually also become is very ordinary.
Here, turned into ordinary place.
But, the innermost feelings of immeasurable immortal, again are actually not able to be calm, but, has set eyes on, in that is located above the midair, just like bright moonlight general big.
In absorption light, after wonder stone Buddhist temple that special energy, big that principal light four shoot, becomes terror even more, looks like an explosive strength, rolls, possibly explodes at any time general.
However, the silver glow of that shining four directions, actually starts to dissipate, but along with the dissipation of dazzling ray, the immeasurable immortal can clear seeing, in that big central committee, have a reel.
At this moment, a Chu Feng hand continues to pinch the Secret Art, another hand is searching the hand to grasp to that big, in that reel always doing nothing but big grazes, fell into the hand of Chu Feng.