Snowboarding History | Origin of Snowboard
Snowboarding is a very recent sport and is similar toSurfing, skateboarding, and Skiing. Likewise, it is not surprising that the origin of snowboarding lies in these sports. Although it is hard to pinpoint the pioneer of Snowboarding, the History of Snowboarding tells us that it was initiated around the 1950s by a few surf and skate enthusiasts who used self-made boards to convey their skills to a new terrain: the snow. At that time, due to the novelty of the Snowboards, those contraptions often resulted in many broken boards and a lot of bruises.
Snowboard History: The first real Snowboard hit the market during the 1960's in the form of Sherman Poppen's Snurfer. It appeared like a weird crossover between a plywood sled and a skateboard deck. The rope attached to the front tip of the snurfer (board) offered the rider some control, and the steel tacks poking through the upper deck held the rider's feet in place.