example, [10] suggested Ned Moran’s early warning model to
find a pattern of the cyber attacker’s behavior.
Automate warning system is also researched to provide
fast and accurate reporting. [15][9][1] suggested various
techniques in different perspectives. [15] proposed Accident
Detecting and Reporting Algorithm, ADRA, to be processed
by a low-power consumption microcontroller in order to
detect a crash and the location of the vehicle. However, the
distant between the crash site and emergency service provider
of [15] is limited. [9] demonstrated a promising approach to
detect, record, and report traffic accidents by using image
processing to track moving vehicles. The result showed 50% of
correct detection rate, CDR, which is much better than 1% of
CDR of sound-based detection system. [1] suggested the use of
location based services such as OnStar to deliver accident
location via Global Positioning System, GPS.
Many proposed warning systems emphasize on warning
accuracy but not the notification to emergency services. For
example, [11] described an Early Warning System, EWS, for
extreme weather using sensor actuator to alert public at a town
of Mering in Germany during a severe thunderstorm. The
notification to emergency service personnel has left for us to