Liu Yue didn’t even look at the fire that was fast approaching, she only focused on what was in front of her. In order to avoid these flames, they needed to first break out of this formation. Worrying or talking about anything else would be futile.
Xuan Yuan Che didn’t say anything else, he understood immediately. Waving his sword around like lightning and thunder, he gave off a powerful and menacing aura.
As the wounds in their bodies increased, so were the number of men falling at their hands. The pace of their fight increased, weakening the defenses of the men blocking their escape in front of them.
As the sky gradually grew darker, the red flames of the sun could be seen reflecting off Liu Yue’s body, painting her in the colour of blood.
The fire was growing bigger and bigger.
The mountain wind fanned the approaching flames, and the blazing fire became unstoppable, approaching the two ferociously.
The scorching flame that was capable of burning everything it touched to ash, was already so close that they could be seen reflecting off of Liu Yue, Xuan Yuan Che and the others.
“Let’s go!” Liu Yue yelled as she slashed apart her last opponent. She dashed towards the opening in the incomplete circle of defense.
Behind him, Xuan Yuan Che followed closely. Using his sword, he blocked his enemies’ attacks, grabbed LiuYue, and sped out like an arrow towards through the opening.
Once they had ripped apart the surrounding defensive formation, stopping them became nigh impossible.