After the meal, the Buddha was struck by a sudden attack of haemorrhage. But He managed to travel on by means of His endurance and self-restraint, thereby heading towards the town of Kusina.gif (845 bytes)ra.gif (845 bytes) and stopping at intervals for a rest. Approaching Kusina.gif (845 bytes)ra.gif (845 bytes), He stopped for rest under a tree-shade by the side of the trail. There happened to be a son of the Malla King passing by. He was named Pukkusa and was a disciple of the hermit aa.gif (75 bytes)la.gif (845 bytes)ra, one of the Buddha's former teachers. He was travelling from Kusina.gif (845 bytes)ra.gif (845 bytes) to the town of Pa.gif (845 bytes)va.gif (845 bytes). Seeing the Buddha he approached Him and, having listened to a sermon, was impressed. He offered to the Buddha two pieces of Sin.gif (66 bytes)givana robes, one of which the Buddha gave to Venerable aa.gif (75 bytes)nanda.