This strikes falls, that Earthen Taboo amethyst beast, still does not send lossless, but was actually cut the strength that strikes to repel, making him stamp the foot one step in the midair, this continued to Chu Feng dashes.
„Third cuts.”
„Fourth cuts.”
„Fifth cuts.”
After this, the Chu Feng company leaves three to cut, cuts strongly has cut, cuts ominously has cut, cuts to exceed cuts.
After three cut, Earthen Taboo amethyst beast not only shelled backs up backward several steps, hard to imagine moves again forward, body that indestructible, the amethyst presents the huge fissure, from the slit, scatters the innumerable piece of tiny amethysts.
„Oh, this is what kind Martial Technique, can actually display continuously, and a wave strong a wave.”
Sees this, these think Chu Feng died the people, were surprised once again, they discovered at this moment, Chu Feng this Earthen Taboo Deep Green Beheader fearful place.
Earthen Taboo Deep Green Beheader, from first cuts the appearance, has to destroy the day to extinguish the prestige of place, can occupy completely Wanwu, slaughters all living things, cannot be underestimated absolutely, only this first cuts, can win to slaughter a side, lets a world, the Wanwu avalanche, the rivers of blood, falls into the end.
Even, only relies on this first to cut, can even exceed common Earthen Taboo Martial Technique.
However this first cuts, actually merely is a start, each after this cuts to strike, before strong, cuts the several fold of striking, but what is most terrorist, Earthen Taboo Deep Green Beheader, nine cut.
Hands down, when that ninth cuts puts forth, all Earthen Taboo Martial Technique, what quality, will be overshadowed, only has Heaven Taboo Martial Technique in legend, can fight with it.
Although, this Earthen Taboo amethyst beast although is formidabe, but has not needed Chu Feng to put forth ninth to cut obviously, according to the Chu Feng inference, so long as seventh cuts, sufficiently cuts to kill it.
However, can compel Chu Feng to put forth seventh to cut, then explained that Earthen Taboo amethyst beast that this Wang Qiang displays, is very indeed strong.
„” At this moment, the Earthen Taboo amethyst beast, exudes one to roar unexpectedly, when its big mouth opens, the innumerable [say / way] amethysts, are common just like long spear, are containing the terror prestige energy, explodes to shoot to Chu Feng.
It is not able near body to approach, this Earthen Taboo amethyst beast, launched the long-distance offensive unexpectedly, and might is quite scary.
„Sixth cuts”
However regarding this, Chu Feng actually does not care, sixth cuts, once were put forth, only listens to „Bang” a bang, when fierce energy ripples, in the horizon wreaks havoc the tumbling, Chu Feng then the amethyst offensive that front surface raids, disintegrates all.
But after this, Chu Feng again drinks one: „Seventh cuts”
„” Seventh cuts one, that Earthen Taboo amethyst beast exudes one to roar once again, but this sound, is actually more like a pitiful yell.
When seventh cuts falls, the people can clear seeing, that the imposing manner threatening Earthen Taboo amethyst beast, be the aura were formerly low, are scarred.
Even but if so, its mortal body, still had not destroyed.
„It seems like, was I have underestimated you, but this time, ended.”
Seventh cuts to fall, is actually not able that Earthen Taboo amethyst beast smashing, this to let Chu Feng also is very the accident, must know that initially this seventh cut, but almost massacres Bai Yunxiao.
However now, actually cannot destroy, Earthen Taboo amethyst beast that this Wang Qiang displays.
However even if so, Chu Feng actually does not fear, because seventh cuts, not representative Earthen Taboo Deep Green Beheader true might.
PS: Many people asked me, the honeybee renewed recently slowly, was the body has had problems, to avoid everybody was worried that today here explains.
The body of honeybee does not have the issue, was only the tool of symbol, the notebook has gone bad, therefore had traded one couple days ago, but after the new notebook succeeded in obtaining, did not have including the system, before me used different, therefore started to run post-sale, solved the problem.
Because my family here not post-sale, therefore needs to go to Changchun, this distance back and forth, takes five hours, ran continuously twice, I was the tired fart.
However the issue has been solved, but I discovered that the keyboard of new notebook, with was not familiar with, was the symbol specially turns, did not press the wrong key, pressed the blank space, seriously affected me to type the speed, I was disinclined to trade the notebook, disliked troublesome, therefore online has bought the peripheral keyboard.
This morning, peripheral keyboard arrived finally, has used, feels also well, I think that I can in addition, promise everybody finally, this month renews no less than 200,000 characters,