LP Suk of Wat Makhamtao was perhaps the greatest Wicha master of modern times. He was famous for his amazing magic to change objects into different sizes and they were the stuff of many legends. The most famous legends were the one where he change elephants into flies and another where he change a man into crocodile. The latter story was widely reported in Thailand during that time and there were many witnesses who saw the event. LP Suk had many disciples but the one was of course Prince Krom Luang Chumpon, founder of the Thai Navy.
LP Suk was revered as having great spiritual power and was the royal teacher of H.R.H. Krom Luang Chumpon Khet Udomsak, who was the son of His Majesty King Rama IV. One of his abilities is his power and magic to change any objects into different sizes. He has never taught anyone, except Krom Luang Chumpon Khet Udomsak. Until today nobody know about this skill.