Evidence for heavy metal or AMD effects on Neochetina eichhomiae Warner and Neochetina bruchi Hustache (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) is limited and largely based on cd. Even so, the results of weevil interaction with such metals are inconsistent and contradictory. For instance, feeding damage caused by the weevil N. bruchi was significantly reduced when the biocontrol agent was exposed to accumulated concentrations of 232 ug Zn/100 g d. wt. and 66.70 ug cd/100 g d. wt. in water hyacinth Jamil et al.. 1989a,b). In contrast Hussain and Jamil (1992) found no mortality or any other symptoms in adult N. eichhorniae feeding on plants grown in water with solutions of Cd, Zn. Hg. and Mn at concentrations up to 100 mg/L Similarly. Kay and Haller (1986) found no significant feeding damage or mortality of N. eichhorn fed on water hyacinth exposed to concentrations of 1-5 mg P 05-1.0 mg Cd/L or 1-2.5 mg cu L for ten days