Dear Ramil P.
Thank you for your reply the best sound.
You can see and check tracking information show buyer received when you put the track in Vietnam post system of destination country.
Please put this tracking number for item "RR180755535TH" in Vietnam post this wed site It's would show in your eyes, buyer received item.
Easy word, Thailand are pending and Vietnam (buyer country) "showing received item". You still deny your appeal. You meant support cheat buyer.
You receive a fee from seller and seller not wrong but you don't support same or more than buyer.
Buyer received item but him said didn't receive and open case him is a good person for you?
You and your system support the offenders.
Rumors Ebay's support only buyer every case is true.
Oh, The best system and the best support offenders good job.
Where the justice in your Ebay?