The objective of the present study was the evaluation of the effectiveness of High Pressure Carbon Dioxide
(HPCO2) as a non-thermal technology for the pasteurization of porcine raw meat. The inactivation
kinetics of mesophilic bacteria were determined at 25, 35 and 40 C, from 6 to 16 MPa and from 5 to
60 min. The effects of HPCO2 on the colour parameters in terms of L⁄
, a⁄
, b⁄ and DE during and after
the treatment were investigated by means of a spectroscopic apparatus. Data demonstrated that HPCO2
treatment assured at least 2 Log (CFU/cm2
) reduction of mesophilic microorganisms, but induced
significant colours alterations: lightness increased and redness decreased and the samples turned whitish
and looked like ‘‘cooked’’. The technology could hardly be exploited at industrial scale for raw meat
pasteurization due to the colour modifications induced to the product.