I propose that the Management committee seek from the pertinent authorities permission to, or action by them, to replace or enhance the two signs at the entrance to Yenakard Soi 2, the green roadsigns that inform motorists of the direction toward Supreme Place condominium on soi 2 (pictures herewith).
The location of Supreme Ville condo is difficult to find. Our building title is only visible to motorists just in front of our condo. Confusion results in the difficulty to pronounce "Ville" in the Thai language and that "thanon" is often not understood as "no soi" and to properly indicate our locaction as "near soi 2" is often heard as "soi 2" and the promiment signs to "Place" are often mistakenly followed.
Considerable confusion could be avoided if it were clear ON and AT those two road signs that Supreme VILLE is different than Supreme PLACE and is in a different direction.
1) A separate sign attached above or below the current 'Supreme Place' signs with Supreme Ville and an arrow, or 2)replacement signs with both Supreme Ville and Supreme Place indicated separately and clearly arrowed, are necessary.
For the sign to the right side of the entrance to soi 2 as currently placed, the arrow for Supreme Vile should be a bent arrow pointing up, and perhaps slightly right, and the arrow for Supreme Ville on the sign on the left of the soi 2 entrance should be bent pointing down, and perhaps slightly to the right, indicating Supreme Ville is behind the observer down thanon Yenakard.
Please acknowledge receipt of this proposal.
If not go ahead with this proposal anyway, please request the consideration of members at the annual meeting.