Abstract The study was aimed at assessing the quality
of pumpkin (Cucuribita Spp.) slices that were subjected
to pre-drying treatments and drying using two drying
methods (uncontrolled sun and oven) fruit accessions.
Pre-drying had significant ( P ≤ 0.05) effect on the quality
of dried pumpkin slices. 10 % salt solution dipped
pumpkin fruit slices had good chemical quality. The
two-way interaction between drying method sand pre-drying treatments had significant ( P ≤ 0.05) effect on
chemical qualities. Pumpkin subjected to salt solution
dipping treatment and oven dried had higher chemical
concentrations. Among the pumpkin fruit accessions,
pumpkin accession 8007 had the superior TSS, total
sugar and sugar to acid ratio after drying. Among the
three pre-drying treatment, salt solution dipping treatment had significant ( P ≤ 0.05) effect and the most efficient pre-drying treatment to retain the quality of dried
pumpkin fruits without significant chemical quality deterioration. Salt dipping treatment combined with low
temperature ( 60 °C) oven air circulation drying is
recommended t o maintain quality of dried pumpkin
slices. However, since direct sun drying needs extended
drying time due to fluctuation in temperature, it is
recommended t o develop or select best successful solar
dryer for use in combination with pre-drying salt dipping
or blanching treatments.