about children's school:
yes, i need to know, because in the moment I take care the childrens school money!
you say: i have nothing to do with children.
if this is true i dont have to take care the children's.
the way you speak with me in your last mails
make me ask myself:
what do you really want from me????
if you dont want that i take care you and your childs, what do you want from me?
but if i take care you and take care your childs i have the rigth to speak with you about the problems and about the money and i have the rights to ask !!!!! and the rigth to have a answer.
i am not only a atm-maschine!
so please, tita,
take time and think what you really want from me?
please clear in your mind and in your heart and in your soul the questions:
who and what i am for you???
what do you expect from me?
wich function, wich position i have in your life and in the life of your family?
if i am not welcome in your life and in your family it will be better forget you.
please let us clear all this before you come to germany.
i don't want trouble. i don't want mistakes. i want a good and a long time with you. but this i dont have if you treat me like a atm machine.
now i see :with your english or with translation from thai to english is something wrong:
because the sense from
"....which did not nothing to do with you...."
mean: you dont have nothing to do with me (?????)
what you mean?
i have nothing to do with you?
i have nothing to do with your cildren?
have you told peck, that i give her 1000 b for birthday?????