We tested two primary predictions in the present study.
First, it was hypothesized that three days of mindfulness
meditation training (compared to an active cognitive comparison
training) would reduce self-reported psychological
and neuroendocrine stress reactivity to the TSST. Second, it
was hypothesized that dispositional mindfulness would moderate
these effects of mindfulness training, such that participants
higher in dispositional mindfulness who received
three days of mindfulness meditation training would have
lower stress reactivity to the TSST.
1. Methods
1.1. Participants
We recruited 73 healthy male and female students from the
Carnegie Mellon University and University of Pittsburgh
campus communities. Inclusion criteria for study participation
were being between the ages of 18 and 30 years, being
mentally and physically healthy (i.e., no medical diagnosis of
any ongoing disease), and not currently taking any form of
oral contraceptive (i.e., birth control). We excluded one
participant who was administered the wrong study training
on day two and three participants who elected to discontinue
study participation before the day three experimental session.
Also, three outlier participants with extreme dispositional
mindfulness scores (2 SDs from the sample mean)
were excluded. Study analyses are reported on 66 participants
(31 participants in mindfulness training group, 35 in
attention control training).
We tested two primary predictions in the present study.
First, it was hypothesized that three days of mindfulness
meditation training (compared to an active cognitive comparison
training) would reduce self-reported psychological
and neuroendocrine stress reactivity to the TSST. Second, it
was hypothesized that dispositional mindfulness would moderate
these effects of mindfulness training, such that participants
higher in dispositional mindfulness who received
three days of mindfulness meditation training would have
lower stress reactivity to the TSST.
1. Methods
1.1. Participants
We recruited 73 healthy male and female students from the
Carnegie Mellon University and University of Pittsburgh
campus communities. Inclusion criteria for study participation
were being between the ages of 18 and 30 years, being
mentally and physically healthy (i.e., no medical diagnosis of
any ongoing disease), and not currently taking any form of
oral contraceptive (i.e., birth control). We excluded one
participant who was administered the wrong study training
on day two and three participants who elected to discontinue
study participation before the day three experimental session.
Also, three outlier participants with extreme dispositional
mindfulness scores (2 SDs from the sample mean)
were excluded. Study analyses are reported on 66 participants
(31 participants in mindfulness training group, 35 in
attention control training).
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