Computer engineering students will have to try and test many new and
unstable systems in the future. To minimize the damage to the computer system
and operating system, a virtual machine is a good approach. Virtual machine is a
way to create a separated system that can be used in system development and
testing. The damages that would be caused by harmful threads or unstable systems
are contained within the virtual machine. It is also a good way to study a new OS
before it is actually deployed. It will be useful during the course of computer
engineering study.
1. Install a virtual machine
2. Install an alternative OS
3. Setup httpd (apache2 server)
4. Setup DBMS server (mysql)
5. Setup php5
6. Seek knowledge to solve the challenges
Before you begin, you have to find your pair to work on the assignment. You
will also have to copy class materials from TAs or pre download it from Facebook
group to your computer. You will need:
a. This document
b. VirtualBox 5.0.2 that match with your OS + Extension Pack
c. Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS (32 bits)
d. Video guide for this session
e. (optional) previous assignments from previous year
1. VirtualBox Installation
1.1. You are going to install VirtualBox on your own PCs. You will have to
check the minimum requirements for the programs.
1.2. Study the video guide from the class materials. You should download or
copy VirtualBox installation and Ubuntu 14.04.3 image file while
watching the video. If you are going to install VirtualBox on Ubuntu,
download and install VirtualBox that match with your Ubuntu version.
1.3.The VirtualBox versions for windows and Mac OSX can also be found in
the class materials. (Screen cap 1 at this step)
1.4.After you install the VirtualBox, be sure to also install VirtualBox
Extension Pack.
1.5.After everything is done, make sure you can run your VM without any
2. Ubuntu Installation
2.1. You will create a virtual machine for Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS. You will have
to find out what is the requirement for Ubuntu. Once you have the
requirements you will create a VM accordingly. (Space, memory, and
video memory)
2.2.This step you will have to install Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS, so go download it.
After that you have to mount the ISO file to the IDE virtual CD in your
new VM. (screen cap 2 before start VM) After you mount the ISO image,
you will have to start your VM then Ubuntu will start its installer. You
can just follow the video guide. *** Do not update or download anything
during installation. This will slow you down tremendously.*** (TIPS:
you can disable virtual network card while installing)
2.3.After you have installed Ubuntu on your VM and found that the screen
size is not compatible with computer screen. You could install the
virtualbox-guest-dkms package for adjusting the screen resolution. You
can ask teacher or TA for more information.
2.4.After you have installed Ubuntu on your VM, you will have to add
“KMUTT SIT” Ubuntu repositories to your update/upgrade repository
list. The file is located at “/etc/apt/source.list”.
2.4.1. You can use Software and Updates to do this. You can run it
from Dash Home icon on the top left of the screen. In the setting
screen under the Ubuntu Software tab, change the download
source to Other->Thailand->“ubuntu-archive.sit.kmutt.ac.th”
2.4.2. Or you will have to edit the file with “root” privilege. Add
several entries of deb and deb-src that link to KMUTT SIT Ubuntu
archives and updates. At this step, you will be able to perform
update then upgrade your Ubuntu after you turn the network
adapter on.
3. Server Installation
3.1.Install httpd (apache2 server). (screen cap 3 after install apache2) You
can just follow the video guide or install through Ubuntu Software
Center. Also enable module UserDir with “a2enmod userdir”.
3.2.Install MySQL Server. (screen cap 4 after install MySQL) You can also
install through the Ubuntu Software Center. TIP: be sure to set a valid
password and jot it down.
3.3.Install php5. (screen cap 5 after install php5) You can also install through
the Ubuntu Software Center.
4. Homepage Creation
4.1. Create your home page by opening Home Folder icon on the left tab.
Then right click and create a new folder name “public_html”
4.2. Change into the public_html folder
4.3. Create a new empty document and name it “index.html” (screen cap 6
after create index.html)
4.4. Place the following code into index.html
4.5. Start FireFox then browse to “localhost/~username/”.
4.6. You should have a page showing the massage “Hello There” (screen cap
7 showing the URL and result in firefox)
1. Create Webpage contains your name, student ID, department, and
University in 4 lines (screen cap 8 showing your result at this step)
2. Show information in different colors. E.g name in red, ID in green,
department in blue, etc. (screen cap 9 showing your result at this step)
3. Create a table to contain the information as shown in the following example
(screen cap 10 showing your result at this step)
Name 1 Name 2
ID 1 ID 2
Computer Engineering department
King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi
1. Make sure to include your name and student ID in the report.
2. Save your report in PDF format and name it with your section and two
student IDs. For example “A_123456789_987654321.pdf”.
3. Report on the installation experience. Your report includes the first
impression of the whole installation process which can be divided into three
parts: VirtualBox, Ubuntu, and servers. These parts of the report must
contain screen captures from the required steps.
4. Report on Homepage creation and challenges.
5. Create a single zip file contains your report and your html file for the
challenges. Name your zip file the same with your report with zip extension.
E.g. “A_123456789_987654321.zip”.
6. Submit your report to myle.kmutt.ac.th before the end of the class.