An experimental investigation has been conducted to understand
the combustion characteristics under lean premixed
combustion conditions using LPG as the fuel. The primary
objective is to understand the effect of fuel/air mixing in
premixer that is usually used in lean premixed gas turbine
combustion conditions to reduce NOx emission levels. The
emission of NOx and CO has been examined experimentally
for a range of experimental conditions using various fuel/ai
combustor. The NOx emission level of the lean premixed combustor is a strong function of
equivalence ratio and the dependency is smaller for a traditional diffusion flame
combustor under the examined experimental conditions. Furthermore, the recirculation
flow, affected by dome angle of combustor, reduces the high temperature reaction zone or
hot spot in the combustor, thus reducing the NOx emission levels.
ª 2008 International Association for Hydrogen Energy. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All right