To improve the applicability of SFBT for people
with ID, several authors have suggested modifications
to SFBT as originally described by De Shazer
(1985). These recommendations include the use of
simple language, flexibility in questioning, and
allowing the person with ID enough time to answer
questions, develop ideas and reflect on what transpires
during the sessions. Also advantageous is
using visual aids such as emoticons and drawings,
involving carers and family, encouraging and
explaining tasks, and adapting task assignments
(Teall 2000; Stoddart et al. 2001; Corcoran 2002;
Lentham 2002; Murphy & Davis 2005; Smith 2005,
2006; Westra & Bannink 2006a, 2006b; Roeden &
Bannink 2007; Roeden et al. 2009).