performed. Visual reinforcement audiometry
(VRA) was used only in a 2.4 year old child,
to gauge the hearing thresholds.According to
numerous studies, in cases with neonatal
hyperbilirubinemia, hearing impairment was
attributed to cochlear and retrocochlear
structures (11-15). To investigate the status
of cochlea and auditory nerve, we also
performed transient evoked otoacoustic
emission (TEOAE) and ABR evaluations in
all children. TEOAE recordings were
conducted using the ILO88 OAE System.
The children were in the supine position with
closed eyes. To perform recordings, one
thousands click stimuli at 80 dB sound
pressure level (SPL) in each ear had been
presented.Response reproducibility of 70%
(or more) was considered as a criterion for
the existence of TEOAE response (16). Click
evoked auditory brainstem responses were
recorded using the Interacoustics ABR
system Eclipse EP25, with 15 ms time
window, click stimulus with alternating
polarity at 21.1 c/s and 2000 sweeps.
SPSS version 18 was operated in 0.05
significant levels. Moreover, Colmogrov-
Smirnov test was used to define normal
distribution of data. To investigate the
relationship between serum bilirubin levels
and mean hearing thresholds, spearman
correlation was used