In the future, technology will have advanced so much and so fast that many new possibilities will arise. Most likely, we will enjoy interplanetary space travel frequently in the future and we may even develop communities on other planets, such as mars, or perhaps on the moon. Numerous scientists and writers have already also predicted this. Life will also be made much, much easier in the future for humans by robots, computers, and other automatons. Many simple tasks done today by humans such as cooking, cleaning, and repairing household items will be done by these machines much more quickly and efficiently and with less pollution. Almost all of the current manual labor jobs, especially in the United States, will become obsolete and robots will do all of the work for us. The advantages of using robots and computers include no pay, no time off, and no complaints or questions asked. Also, nearly every job in the future will require extensive knowledge and skills of computers and anyone without them will be completely lost.
At the pace that doctors and medical researchers have been moving at, in the next few generations we will have developed treatments and/or cures for all of the diseases that plague the world's people today. These diseases include;...