King lear is about conflicts between fathers and their childen
We are has three daughters one other loves him
And to have them tell he gets angry at the good daughter cordelia
And gives his kingdom the two bad daughters gonorrhea landrigan
One-third charger the kingdom the bad daughters are mean to lear
And send him outside in a storm by himself the other fathers Gloucester
Wanna Blears nobleman he has two sons Edmund and edgar edmunt the younger one
Is a bastard Gloucester committed adultery an admin was born out of
Because he is a bastard the world looks down on admin the socially inferior
Admin want to change the situation so he makes a plot to get rid of his brother and his father
So he can inherit Gloucester is money in title at the beginning of the play
Gloucester introduces his son admins to a nobleman named Kent
Gloucester explained that admin is a bastard and it’s clear that Gloucester’s
Embarrassed by always having to admit he had an affair
King lear announces he’s going to give up being king
Divide the kingdom between his three daughters he has the country are carved out on a map already
And he wants it to them to say how much they love him so he can act like he’s giving abortions based on whom loves them the most
Donna Rea Lynn regan lie and say they love we’re more than anything as much as it’s possible to love but Cordelia
Who actually does love him won’t do it she says she loves him as much as she should love her father no more no less we’re spurious with Cordrlia
He tells her she’s not his daughter anymore and gonorrhea landrigan will divide upper portion
He announces he’s going to keep 100 nights as his followers
And he’s going to spend his remaining days visiting Ghana row and then regan
For a month at a time can’t tell salir he’s acting crazy and he should change
His mind
We’re tell them to shut up but can says he doesn’t care what where does 2 a.m.
There’s making huge mistake and ken is going to speak up about it
We’re tell some to get out of the kingdom if he’s caught in English again
He’s dead the king of France is visiting we’re and he takes cordelie to be his queen even though we’re just disowned her
Admin decide he’s tired of being a second class citizen just because he’s a bastard and he’s going to do something about it he forges a letter from his older brother
Edgar suggesting that Edgar wants to kill Gloucester so you can inherit his land
Gloucester tell that meant to go find out there so he can explain the letter
Admin does find Edgar but he tells in Gloucester is furious with them
So he needs to hide until Gloucester calms down admin hides Edgar in his own room
Lear’s now gone reels castle done a real tells her chief servant
Oswald that she sick earlier in his nights being at her house
And Oswald should make sure everyone gives clear bad service
Can’t doesn’t leave the country is where had ordered instead he disguises himself as a poor man and show up at Don Mills house offering to beware servant we’re gives him a chance
Oswald is rude to lear turning his back and leaving one where calls him and treating him like he’s just gone reels father and not a king
We’re hits Oswald and then can’t rip them which makes clear happy done a real confronts lear telling him that his followers are unruly and disorderly which infuriates him
She dismisses fifty of them without even consulting we’re
We’re was expecting to still be treated like a king
So he’s actually in tears after being treated like this he tell Don a real
She’s a degenerate bastard and not his daughter and he leaves with his followers to go to Regan’s house donner all rights to our sister to warn her that leaders coming which prompts reading in Cornwall to leave their house to visit Gloucester
Don roes husband the Duke about mini is upset that they left anger
Admin tells Edgar to run away their father is coming
He calls for help and before Gloucester arrives he cute himself to make it look like Edgar tried to kill ’em region and her husband the Duke of Cornwall
Arrive because they left home to avoid hosting lear Cornwall tells Gloucester
Hill uses resources to help arrest Edgar can and Oswald get into a fight can was set to head by Lear
To tell region in Cornwall earlier is coming Oswald was sent by Ghana real
21 them to avoid layer Cornwall
Who’s very hot headed an angry has can put into the stocks to sit outside locked up all day and all night this is a big deal because can is lear’s messenger and no one would even do this to the messenger became
Lear coming to look for region in Cornwall fines can the stocks and he’s furious he’s even more curious to hear that region in Cornwall are tired and won’t see him
We’re finally confronts Rhian he complains about Donna real but Regan say she’s on Donna real side them gonorrhea herself shows up and the two sister say they won’t les we’re keep even one servant
We’re leaves in tears so angry that he’s starting to lose his mind and his daughters have the door shut on him even though it’s night any huge storms coming
Lear’s outside with justice and no shelter from the storm can’t find him and tries to lead and toward a higher
Glucester shows Edmund a secret letter saying that an army from France has landed in Dover England and he says cordelia has brought this army to make clear king again
He says they need to be on Wearside even though it’s treason against region and on a row
He’s going to go on to the storm and try to help where after he leaves
Admin says he’s going straight to Cornwall to tell them what Gloucester’s up to lear can and the four try to take shelter in little hurtful straw
Edgar is inside it pretending to be poor Tom a crazy bagger
Lear who’s going crazy himself has a long talk with poor Tom before going inside
Admin gives Cornwall Gloucester secret litter in Cornwall makes admin the Earl of Gloucester
Meaning he gives admin Gloucester’s title in property so admin has succeeded in taking everything away from his father and brother
Gloucester find clear in the hot and he tells can’t to take him to Dover to me cordelia’s army Gloucester goes back to his own house and Cornwall arrested for treason Cornwall send that meant after Donna Rowe to tell her together soldiers to fight lear Cornwall and Regan interrogate
Gloucester about what he did with your and whether he’s on the side of the French and then Cornwall gouges out his eyes
They tell him admin hates him and he realizes he was strict about Edgar
One of Cornwall servants tries to stop them and he wants Cornwall with a sore before Cornwall kills them Cornwall ingredients and Gloucester on his way
Cornwall’s wounded and will soon die
Edgar still pretending to be poor Tom sees his father and starts cutting him toward over Gloucester want to go there to throw himself off the highest cliff
Don ehrlich’s trying to get ready for war against lear but her husband
Albany doesn’t want to fight since he thinks lawyers right
In Ghana rose worthless and horrible donnell herself would love to get rid of Albany because she’s fallen in love with that meant when hears Cornwall is dead
She gets jealous a freak in because she thinks regional try to seduce edmund
She uses her servant Oswald to carry love letters to admin
Regan is in love with admin too and she tries to get all of the shower gonna rose love letters
She tell oswald to kill Gloucester you can find ‘em because they should have killed him before
At viertel’s Gloucester is at the top of the cliff though he’s actually not
Gloucester tries to throw himself off the cliff and lands on a space
Edgar pretends to be another person at the bottom saying it was a miracle he survived the fall and that a demon was at the top persuading him to jump he does all this to make Gloucester stop being suicidal
Lear cones in and talk to them we’re is insane in Cordelia are trying to catch ‘em Oswald tries to kill Gloucester
Edgar kills Oswald instead he finds on oswald’s body a letter from Ghana rail
In which gone real promises to get rid of Albany and Mary at mint
Condelia’s followers have caught we’re given drugs to sleep to try to cure am she wakes him up and he apologizes
Just before the battle with years forces we can tell that man loves him and he should stay away from Conroe donilon Albany join them and edgar calms and hands as well letter to Albany he says that after the battle if Albany wins he should sound the trumpet three times and a champion will appear to prove that the letter is true
What editor talking about his trial by combat a tradition that says that the night is accused of something
He can fight with his accuser and the winner must be right because God made them when editor is accusing admin treason and of a admin to prove it
Cordelia’s forces lose and Lear and Cordelia captured
Admin gives a captain order to kill them in prison
Region and on a roll start arguing over which one of them gets Edmund
Region says she wants to marry him but Albany says she can’t because his own wife has promised to marry Edmund already
He accuses admin dove treason region is getting sick anyway because Donna Rowe has poisoned her a trumpeter sounded
And Edgar appears to fade mint and prove he’s a traitor as Regan is carried off
Edgar defeat Edmund in Albany shows Conna rose letter to her
She run off and kills herself Edgar reveals his true identity and Ken arrives on the scene a servant bring the news that Donnilon region are both dead gonna roll stabbed herself after poisoning region
Edmin decides to do something good before he dies so he tell them to go save Lear and Cordelia
Here comes in carrying cordelia they were too late to save her
Can trust to tell where that he was loyal servant but lear’s lost his mind again and doesn’t understand weird eyes and ken says he plans to join them soon
Edgar in Albany are the last people left to rule Britain