The Consular Section does not endorse or have a "special relationship" with any individual or business that offers advice or assistance with the visa process. No one can guarantee the issuance of a visa to you. All U.S. government forms are free. Beware: many visa applicants lose money or are permanently barred from the United States as a result of misleading information and fraudulent applications provided by visa consultants.
Any document or information presented in connection with your immigrant visa application may be investigated. Any attempt to misrepresent a material fact to the consular officer may make you permanently ineligible to obtain a visa.
By law, an immigrant visa petitioner may be imprisoned for up to five years, fined up to $250,000, or both for entering into a marriage contract for the purpose of evading any provision of U.S. immigration laws. In addition, a petitioner may be fined up to $10,000 and imprisoned for up to five years, or both, for knowingly and willfully falsifying or concealing a material fact or using any false document in submitting a petition.