This report is attentie on recogniAing the publiciAing eleations, marketing, toolsand social media trends that are being applied in the New Zealand’s chocolatesector. This report is also intensie on the current marketing doings of Nestle KitKat in New Zealand and the concerns and rialry the brand is fronting which in(turn spectacles the barricades that Kit Kat as a brand is facing and how that mayor may not directly impact on the sales of Kit Kat in all conte$ts of New Zealandmarket. @eyond the mere Kit Kat’s marketing strategies, this research reportclima$es and recogniAes how Nestle Kit Kat changed and prompted its own deelopment oer time. The final part of this research will be to discuss and deelop insight into the future of Nestle Kit Kat’s marketing strategies and howthese strategies can proide new means for Nestle to increase its sales figures in New Zealand market. This research topic was chosen to gain an insight into anindustry that has had to be innoatie and creatie.