Then, the wolf quickly wore Grandma’s cap and clothes, tucked himself into bed, and lay waiting for the grand-daughter. “Come in, dear!” called the wicked wolf in Grandma’s voice, as soon as young Red reached the cottage.
Red Riding Hood came into the room, and was surprised to see her ‘grandmother’ in bed. “Oh Grandma, what big arms you have!” she said “All the better to hug you with, my dear,” replied the wolf.
“Oh Grandma, what big ears you have!” continued Red Riding Hood. “All the better to hear you with, my dear,” said the wolf smiling.
“Oh Grandma, what big teeth you have!” cried Red Riding Hood, her eyes wide with surprise. The wolf laughed a wicked laugh. “All the better to eat you with!” he said and pounced on her in a flash!
Little Red Riding Hood was very scared. “Help!” she screamed. Just then, a kind woodcutter was passing by the house. He saw the big wolf trying to catch the young girl and immediately hit the wolf on his head with his axe.
The woodcutter and Red Riding Hood cut open the wolf’s stomach, and out came Grandma! She was scared, but quite unhurt. The big bad wolf could never hurt anyone any more. As for Red Riding Hood, she was a very good girl and remembered never to speak to strangers ever again.