Last November, when I was in Bangkok, I promised your esteemed association and our cedants in Thailand that CCR would enhance the payment of the quartely accounts. That was one of the promises that I made on behalf of CCR.
Since, I asked our financial department to create two indicators to monitor the performance of the quarterly accounts payment process:
- the number of quarterly accounts to be processed (this measures the height of the pile of work to be done) ;
- the avergae age (in days) of the quartely accounts in the pile.
I'm happy today to provide you the first report on those two simple indicators. As you will see they are going in the right direction. This is exactly what I want!
It shows that we can catching up the delay we had, and this is very good.
Here is the first report and I will send you updates every second week.
(Voir fichier joint : CCR progress for TGIA - Report #1.xlsx)
You can share this document with the members of the association, as necessary.
Please let me know if you have suggestions to enhance this monitoring.