Volkswagen Faces a World Scandal Over Emissions; European Migrant Crisis: E.U. Leaders Call for Unity; Fall Officially Arrives in Northern Hemisphere
Aired September 24, 2015 - 04:00 ET
CARL AZUZ, CNN STUDENT NEWS ANCHOR: Great to have you along for this Thursday edition of CNN STUDENT NEWS. My name is Carl Azuz.
Taking off our 10 minutes of current events coverage, Volkswagen is a big brand facing a big problem. It owns VW, Audi and Porsche, and just past
Toyota as the world`s biggest carmaker.
Its chief executive officer has apologized and resigned amid a growing scandal. It has to do with emissions.
The U.S. government has limits on the kinds and the amounts of pollutants that cars may give off. That`s why most cars in the U.S. have to get
annual emissions test. Instead of using technology to meet U.S. standards, regulators say Volkswagen use technology to cheat on the tests and the
problem goes well beyond U.S. shores.
PETER VALDES-DAPENA, CNNMONEY: The EPA recently announced that Volkswagen cheated on emissions tests, allowing almost half a million baldy polluting
diesel cars onto America`s roads, and there are millions more of them around the world. It`s a scandal that`s rocked the German automaker,
sending its stock plummeting, and angering some of VW`s most loyal customers. Lawsuits have been filed, apologies have been issued.
But how exactly did one of the world`s top-selling automakers get away with cheating on such a gigantic scale? And can it ever undo the damage?
About 480,000 diesel-powered VW cars don`t meet federal emissions. In fact, they don`t even come close. They release 10 to 40 times the legal
limit of nitrogen oxide, dangerous pollutants linked to asthma and other health problems. But for years, no one knew. That`s where the cheating
comes in.
Volkswagen installed software in diesel cars that detects when the vehicle is undergoing emissions test. When the software recognizes that inspection
is underway, it automatically switches modes, reducing emissions below the legal limit. As soon as testing is over, though, it`s back to dirty
SUBTITLE: Why did VW do this?
VALDES-DAPENA: When it comes to emissions, diesel engines are a challenge. They`re fuel efficient but they tend to burn dirty. Automakers have spent
millions on research to figure out how to maintain that efficiency, but cleanup diesel emissions, so their cars can get good fuel economy without
releasing nasty pollutants. Apparently, VW couldn`t find a way to do that, nor did it want to. Either way, somewhere inside VW, someone decided to
The questions now are, how high up the corporate leader did this decision go? And how much in fines, recall costs and damage reputation is it going
to cost VW?
AZUZ: Any idea what the world`s best known English language is? Before you guess, here`s a hint. It`s "Happy Birthday". And because of a judge`s
ruling on Tuesday, it`s no longer protected by copyright.
You might have noticed how at some restaurants, they don`t actually sing the tune "Happy Birthday to You", because they don`t want to get sued.
Here`s why: two sisters wrote "Happy Birthday" about 120 years ago. They assigned the music rights to a music company. In 1998, that company was
bought by Warner-Chappell Music. And since then, Warner-Chappell has made about 2 million bucks a year on fees for the use of the song, though it
doesn`t charge people singing it at home.
Anyway, a filmmaker that`s making a documentary about the song sued Warner- Chappell to avoid paying a $1,500 fine. A judge ruled that Warner-Chappell owned a limited piano arrangement, not the actual lyrical song itself.
That means it`s free from copyright and free for anyone, anywhere to sing it, like a gift that keeps giving.
AZUZ: There`s only one place we look for "Roll Call" requests. It`s each day`s transcript page at
Fivay High School commented on yesterday`s transcript. It`s in Hudson, Florida, the home of the Falcons.
We also heard from the Bulldogs in Corrigan, Texas. Good to see you at Corrigan-Camden High School.
And in Tirana, the capital of Albania, shoutout to all of our viewers at Tirana International School.
One billion euros to help Syrians in refugee camps, security forces to keep the peace where there are large numbers of migrants and instability,
figuring out where to resettle the thousands of people coming to Europe. These are the challenges the European Union is struggling with right now.
Amid all the disagreement between nations over how to handle the continent`s massive refugee and migrant crisis, what`s certain is that more
people are on the way to Europe.
Ben Wedeman takes us to Hungary where many migrants are passing through.