Glycerol is an effective carbon source for the production of scl- and mcl-polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs)
by Pseudomonas spp. P. mediterranea 9.1 (CFBP 5447) synthesizes an amorphous mcl-PHA when grown
on crude glycerol, whereas on both reagent grade (RG) and partially refined (PR) glycerol, it produces two
very similar distinctive mcl-PHAs with the unusual property of producing, with the appropriate treatment,
a transparent film. Mcl-PHAs recovered after biomass extraction have an average molecular weight
of approximately 56,000/63,000 Da. The monomer composition and physicochemical properties of such
mcl-PHAs suggest their potential application as a softener of biopolymeric blends for food packaging and
medical devices.
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